Mountain Sounds

Topics: Gastein TV | Inverno | Sci alpino | Sci alpinismo | Ciaspolate | Famiglia | Weekend | Soggiorni brevi | Eventi | Concerto | Enogastronomia | Festività / Celebrazioni | Tempo libero

Ski area Dorfgastein / Wengeralm, Fulseck,
dom, 16.03.2025
10:00 o'clock

Mountain Sounds

Topics: Gastein TV | Inverno | Sci alpino | Sci alpinismo | Ciaspolate | Famiglia | Weekend | Soggiorni brevi | Eventi | Concerto | Enogastronomia | Festività / Celebrazioni | Tempo libero

Information about the Event:

On March 16, the focus will be on music while skiing. Each of the 6 Dorfgastein ski huts has a musical offering for guests.

more infos are following....


Dorfgasteiner Bergbahnen AG
Bergbahnstraße 46
5632 Dorfgastein, AT