An overview

yunion yoga teachers

Matt Giordano

Matt's teaching style is a powerfully unique blend of alignment, breath, and movement in order to awaken The highest sense of joy within each student. He is based in NYC, and travels around passionately sharing his discoveries through workshops, and teacher trainings. Trainings include Acro Yoga, Pure Yoga, Yoga Tune Up, Integrated Embodied Anatomy, Anusara, and many more.

Matt's incredible attentiveness to alignment comes from a place of conviction. His in-depth studies in yoga, acrobatics and martial arts have granted phenomenal knowledge about the human body and his ability to convey this information in an accessible and concise manner is what gives his students the confidence to be open to explore.

"Nothing fulfills me more than witnessing people courageously expand their body, mind, and soul. Whether a person walks in ready to celebrate life or is seeking such inspiration, I hope that they leave feeling peaceful in their heart and empowered in their spirit."


Rebecca Rasmussen

I'm a yoga teacher, entrepreneur, coach, and community builder. I love hanging out at home in Connecticut with my Husband Matt, puppy Tito, and all our cute farm animals. I am my best self when I move my body, drink a yummy latte, and am outside in nature!

My passion is to teach people how to master the essence of their movement and awareness of their bodies empowering them to live joyfully on and off the mat. Life is amazing and I feel super blessed to be doing what I love!


Celest Pereira

Celest is a geek that loves anatomy, neuroscience and biomechanics. She acquired her BSc (Hons) in Physiotherapy in 2009, and has recently started studying functional neurology. Her yoga classes are a mixture of creative movement backed by science and education. She co-authored the book Too Flexible to Feel Good, which is a roadmap for anyone struggling with hypermobility. Her goal is to have you sweaty, occasionally blowing your mind with cool facts and after her sessions she wants you to leave feeling happy.



Hie Kim

Hie Kim trains yoga teachers, gives yoga workshops and hosts retreats. He is one of the senior teachers and instructors of the legendary Inside Yoga Studio in Frankfurt. Every year he teaches hundreds of yoga teachers and is well known on the big yoga stages of the German speaking and Asian yoga space. He can also be seen in the Yoga Magazine of the Austrian radio station Runkfunk, as a presenter at top events in Robinson's clubs and as a teacher of numerous video series on the premium online yoga platform His yoga teaching is very much oriented to the students who find themselves in his yoga room. He passes on this reactive teaching style to other teachers in his advanced training "Echo Sequencing". With his didactic ability and his empathetic, humorous character, he manages to pick up his yoga students physically, mentally and emotionally and to inspire them with well thought-out lessons. His self-written poems in Shavasana are especially popular.


Ami Norton

Hi, I'm Ami. I help you create a conscious connection with yourself - which is ultimately the most important relationship we have. Do you want to feel more comfortable in your body, increase your self-awareness, find more balance in your daily life, have more harmonious relationships (with yourself and others), reduce stress, and cultivate ease? I want to show you how yoga practice can open these doors for you and much more.

I teach creative but anatomically sound yoga classes that combine music, movement and meditation to give you a space and the tools to experience your body and mind in a new way. I help you feel healthy in your body - appreciating its strengths and accepting its weaknesses. I love what I do because I get to take you on a journey to yourself, with a practice that extends far beyond the yoga mat.


Anna heart

Anna is a yoga teacher and Inside Flow Senior Teacher from Frankfurt. Since 2022 she has been training yoga teachers in German-speaking countries as part of the Inside Yoga instructor team. Her yoga classes come straight from the heart - she gently guides you through dynamic flows that let you feel into your body in a very sensitive way, tuning your heart rate to the beat of the music and bringing together body awareness, thought world and emotion. Her intention is to help you deepen your connection to your body and fill your everyday life with vitality and ease.

Jazz Sánchez

"Yoga has nothing to do with performance. Yoga has only to do with yourself."

The avid Latin American discovered her passion for yoga more than 11 years ago.

"It was love at first sight."

Soon her passion and joy to share with other people this knowledge became one of the most beautiful challenges in her life, so Jazz made her way to India, where she completed her training as a certified yoga teacher.

After several workshops abroad and various trainings, Jazz returned to Austria fully motivated to practice her knowledge here.

Besides Vinyasa Flow, Relax Yoga, and Hatha Yoga, Jazz also teaches special classes for pregnant women and founded her own yoga style: "AFRO LATIN YOGA FLOW".

This is based on a blend of African dance movements with Latin American rhythm and is combined with live music. In this hour you will experience the energy, the joy of life and the spiritual connection to your body.

This all-around talent is fluent in Spanish, German and English.



Nicki Vellick

Nicki lives with her family in Graz and is the owner of the beautiful Yogalife Studio. Since she did her training with Young-Ho Kim in 2007, she is closely connected to Inside Yoga and this teaching style. She is E-RYT 500, Inside Flow Senior Teacher as well as Prenatal Yoga Teacher and Mental Trainer for pregnant women and leads different trainings for yoga teachers and those who want to become one in Austria and Germany.

Her classes are varied with a lot of music, sometimes singing (she likes to unpack the ukulele) and a fine mixture of tradition and modernity.
For Nicki it has always been important that yoga goes beyond the mat, that yoga is not only seen as an asana, but as a mindful attitude towards oneself and all beings in the world. The themes Nicki weaves into her classes reflect this attitude and invite you to go deeper in your yoga practice for a transformative experience of your own life.


Nell Leiss

Nell's yoga classes are strong and gentle at the same time. She places great emphasis on individual alignment in body and mind. Tools are her best friends when teaching. She tries to see each person in the room and create a safe space for everyone.

Nell completed her 200h TT in Sydney in 2017 with BodyMindLife (teachers: Noelle Connolly, Kat Clayton, Rachael Coopes & Sarah Routhier) and has been teaching at Urban Yoga Hamburg ever since. Nell.

2021 completed her 300h training (teachers: Marion Schwarzat, Andrea Mohrbutter, Hie Kim, Mark Stephens & Christiane Wolff). She currently works as a studio manager at Urban Yoga and is the training coordinator for the 200 & 300 training.

