Many complaints - one solution

If you are struggling with wear and tear of the joints, allergies or asthma, then you have the best chance to fight against it in Gastein.

Did you know that Gastein's natural remedies are an optimal treatment for many ailments and diseases?

The famous radon therapy in combination with exercise therapy ends the vicious circle of pain, muscle tension and restricted movement. Especially for arthrosis patients this is an optimal pain therapy. But also many other clinical pictures can be treated successfully in Gastein. In contrast to drug treatment, the focus in Gastein is on long-term effects.


"After the radon therapy, I was completely free of complaints for the first time in 10 years, despite progressive arthrosis. I sleep through the night again and can walk without problems" (Dr. Michael Zippe, Trassem, Germany).

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system:

Ankylosing spondylitis or spondyloarthropathies

Bekhterev's disease patients suffer from a chronically rheumatoid-inflamed spine - but the pelvis and axial skeleton can also be affected. The spine often becomes stiff. The disease is usually manifested by back pain, which occurs more frequently at night. The pain usually decreases with movement. So far, only the symptoms can be treated.


How the Gastein remedies alleviate Bekhterev's disease

The healing gallery in particular is currently considered to be the world's most effective cure for Bekhterev's disease. Every year, thousands of people diagnosed with Bekhterev's disease come to the Gastein Valley to take advantage of the most intensive form of radon therapy in the Heilstollen. But also the thermal water cure and the radon haze bath are used by Bekhterev patients. Under certain conditions, employed persons in Austria diagnosed with Bekhterev's disease can be granted an annual cure as a voluntary benefit by the insurance carrier. The pain relief after a Heilstollen cure, which ideally lasts 3 weeks, lasts an average of 9 months. Less pain means less consumption of painkillers. This in turn has a positive effect on the patient's quality of life.



Therapy: healing galleries, thermal baths, underwater therapy with jet massage (only in the case of restricted mobility, late-stage blockages or muscular rheumatism), fango, mud pack.

Rheumatoid arthritis (formerly: chronic polyarthritis)

When bones and joints ache, it is generally referred to as rheumatism. It is a generic term for joint complaints: it includes pain caused by wear and tear (osteoarthritis) or inflammation (arthritis), or acute attacks due to metabolic diseases such as gout. Meanwhile, science has discovered that all inflammatory forms of rheumatism have an autoimmune disease in common. In other words, the immune system turns against its own body. This causes inflammation, which can increasingly damage joints or organs. Rheumatoid arthritis in particular is an inflammatory disease that affects the synovium.


How the Gastein remedies help with rheumatoid arthritis

Radon therapy in Gastein activates the body's own forces for anti-inflammation and immune regulation. Building on this, targeted exercise therapy can improve joint alignment and mobility. Both the thermal water and the Gastein healing gallery are the remedies used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. For acute episodes of the disease, the radon thermal haze bath in Bad Gastein is considered a useful alternative. An acute episode with high inflammatory activity requires special caution with regard to heat therapy. The doctors in the Gastein therapy centers are very familiar with the clinical picture of rheumatoid arthritis. They know exactly which treatment is most suitable depending on the situation and the inflammatory activity in the body.



Therapy: thermal baths, underwater therapy with jet massage, fango, mud pack, healing galleries, therapeutic gymnastics, exercise therapy.


Osteoarthritis is a primarily non-inflammatory joint disease characterized by wear and tear of the joint cartilage. It is the most common cause of joint pain, usually in the knee joints (gonarthrosis) or hips (coxarthrosis). The cause is a disturbance in cartilage metabolism, as a result of which too much cartilage is broken down. This is often accompanied by a painful inflammation of the synovium, which leads to swelling.


How the Gastein remedies alleviate arthritis

Radon therapy stimulates cell division and thus rebalances cartilage metabolism. In addition, anti-inflammatory messenger substances are emitted, which relieve pain in joints such as the knee, hip or back. The joints are better supplied with blood and oxygen by the warmth and the stimulating climate - this also promotes the body's self-healing processes.


Therapy: healing galleries, thermal baths, underwater therapy with jet massage (only in case of restricted mobility, late-stage blockages or muscular rheumatism), fango, mud pack.

Spinal syndrome

A number of structures such as the intervertebral discs, the small vertebral joints, the neck and shoulder girdle muscles, but also incorrect postures of the cervical spine can trigger complaints. The therapy is similar to that for Bekhterev's disease patients. Radon therapy results in significant pain relief and improved mobility.


Therapy: healing galleries, thermal baths, underwater therapy with jet massage, fango, mud pack.

Inflamed tendons, painful ligaments, tendinosis

The treatment of tendinosis (also known as tennis elbow, frozen shoulder, Achilles tendonitis, etc.) has a good chance of being cured. The cause of this usually very persistent condition is tendinitis at the tendon insertion points caused by constant overuse.


Therapy: Thermal baths, mud, fango, cryotherapy (tissue hypothermia with cold compresses or ice packs).

Civilization diseases such as back pain, knee pain, joint pain, hip pain.

Not only are many diseases accompanied by pain in the musculoskeletal system, but many people's everyday lives are also dominated by sedentary activities - resulting in back pain, tension in the shoulder and neck area, curvature of the spine and joint pain. But knee and hip pain are also often part of life, even for younger adults. Others want to prevent exactly these complaints - this is also possible with the Gastein cure.


This is how the Gastein remedies help with back pain and co.

Radon therapy stimulates cell division and thus the repair mechanism of each individual cell. The cell structure of the body is rejuvenated, so to speak. In addition, anti-inflammatory messenger substances are emitted, which relieve pain in joints such as the knee, hip or back. The warmth and floating in thermal water is in itself soothing and relaxing for strained muscles. Especially the otherwise sparsely supplied joints are better supplied with blood and oxygen by the warmth and the stimulating climate - this also promotes the self-healing processes of the body. Preventive are in addition movement therapies and sporty beginnings, which can be continued also at home. If one feels first the welfare-giving effect of the movement and experiences one after the Gasteiner cure months of the complaint-free time, it is also easier to overcome the internal pig dog at home. In this way, the Gastein cure can also provide the impetus for a healthier lifestyle and thus a more quality life.


Therapy: thermal baths, underwater therapy with jet massage, fango, mud pack, healing galleries, therapeutic gymnastics.


"Everything hurts," is how fibromyalgia syndrome can be succinctly summarized. In this chronic disease , muscles and connective tissue ache. In addition, symptoms such as sleep disturbances, fatigue, exhaustion, feeling of illness, morning stiffness, trembling, dizziness, depression, sensory disturbances, migraine and tension headaches, feeling of swelling near the joints, breathing and heart problems, digestive problems, abdominal cramps and much more can occur. Already this long list of complaints shows, the disease is difficult to classify and often patients are not believed. The disease is even more difficult to treat. According to the current state of knowledge, the cause is probably a disturbance in the processing of pain.


How the Gastein remedies help with fibromyalgia

It is diseases like fibromyalgia where those affected find relief from pain through the Gastein cure after often years of searching for therapies. In Gastein, fibromyalgia patients regain their strength. Here one understands the suffering and the pain and helps to increase the quality of life again. Radon therapy, especially the Gastein Heilstollen cure, is a natural form of therapy that has already brought long-lasting relief to many sufferers of fibromyalgia syndrome.


The radon treatment sends out anti-inflammatory substances in the body, activates the immune system and cell renewal. This relaxes and relieves the pain in a natural way. Exercise in the Gastein thermal water and additional on-site therapies also have a reinforcing positive effect on the clinical picture.


Therapy: healing galleries, thermal baths, underwater therapy with jet massage, fango, mud pack, therapeutic gymnastics.


Osteoporosis is the increasing decalcification and reduction of bone mass. The bones become more fragile. Due to the reduced stability, the bones can break even with low stress or simple falls. However, due to the disease, the vertebral bodies of the thoracic and lumbar spine can also slowly collapse, causing pain. Effective pain therapy with the Gastein remedies for osteoporosis often makes the necessary exercise therapy, adequate sports therapy and gentle muscle building possible in the first place.


Therapy: thermal baths, healing galleries, underwater therapy and therapeutic gymnastics.

Skin disease cure

For skin diseases such as psoriasis, neurodermatitis or scleroderma , the Gastein Heilstollen is particularly effective. The combination of heat and radon therapy has an anti-inflammatory and healing effect. The overheating promotes the re-learning of sweating. The air in the Heilstollen is free of allergens and dust. Skin symptoms can be reduced or partially even completely treated in this place.the immune system is stabilized, inflammation is slowed down and the normal reactivity of the skin is regained.

Diseases of the skin:


Eczema, inflammation, dryness and itching of the skin? This could be due to atopic dermatitis, also known as neurodermatitis. Especially children suffer from this skin disease mostly until puberty. But adults can also be affected. Usually, the disease flares up during stress or in connection with irritating substances (such as ingredients of creams, etc.) and may flare up only briefly or persist for long periods of time. The treatment of neurodermatitis is often difficult, since the disease is also constitutional.


This is how the Gastein remedies alleviate neurodermatitis

Cell repair accelerated by radon therapy improves the skin's appearance. Entrances to the Gastein Heilstollen are gentle on the skin and do not dry it out, as extensive baths do. The combination of heat and radon therapy has an anti-inflammatory and healing effect. The overheating promotes the re-learning of sweating. The air in the Heilstollen is free of allergens and dust. Skin symptoms can be reduced or in some cases even completely disappear in this place. The immune system is stabilized, inflammation is slowed down and the skin's normal reactivity is restored.

Psoriasis (Psoriasis)

Psoriasis is a sharply defined, reddish, slightly raised inflammation of the skin covered with scales. The knees, elbows, scalp and coccyx are usually affected. Symptoms occur in episodes and can last for varying lengths of time. In some forms, organs are also affected or joint inflammation (psoriatic arthritis) occurs. The disease can occur at any age. The origin and cause of the disease are still in the dark. However, a genetic predisposition makes the attack more likely and there are indications that the immune system plays a significant role in the course of the disease. Psoriasis is currently not curable - but with an individual, well-coordinated therapy, it is often possible to achieve a far-reaching freedom from symptoms.


This is how the Gastein remedies alleviate psoriasis

Psoriasis can occur in various degrees of severity and - since it is a systemic inflammatory disease - can also affect a wide variety of organs. For this reason, it is particularly important with this disease to develop individual therapy measures that are precisely adapted to the patient. The doctors at the Gastein cure can guarantee this. Thanks to the accelerated cell repair and the anti-inflammatory messenger substances that are released in the process, radon therapy has a holistic effect against the various forms of the disease. The immune system, which plays an important role in the course of the disease, is stimulated and stabilized. The inflammations in the whole body are slowed down in a natural way. The heat rebalances the immune system. This also has a beneficial effect on joints that may be inflamed, and helps to reduce the swelling of the inflammation. This promotes the body's own repair systems and thus self-healing.

Relief from chronic respiratory diseases

The allergen-free, dust-free cave climate, the moist warmth and the radon content in the Gastein Heilstollen are also used successfully for chronic respiratory diseases. The goal here is a long-term improvement in lung function.


Many positive reports from asthma patients, from allergy sufferers, from patients with chronic sinusitis or with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease document long-lasting relief of symptoms after an appropriate asthma cure in the Gastein Heilstollen. Asthma attacks and cortisone consumption are many times lower after a cure in Gastein than before.

Respiratory diseases:

Chronic bronchitis, emphysema, bronchial asthma

Chronic inflammation of the mucous membranes in the bronchi causes chronic bronchitis. The bronchi are the highly branched system that carries the air we breathe into the lungs. Constant coughing and sputum are the result. In severe cases, bronchitis can progress to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). In this case, the airways are permanently narrowed and there is literally no air to breathe. Scientists believe that pollutants such as tobacco smoke impair the bronchial tubes' self-cleaning mechanism. This causes pollutants to stick to the lungs and cause inflammation. Treatment is mainly considered to be the protection of the bronchi from harmful influences, infection control and bronchodilator measures. Currently, there are no specific medications that can prevent deterioration of lung function.


In bronchial asthma, the disorder lies on the one hand in the spasms and constrictions of the airways, and on the other hand in excessive mucus production associated with shortness of breath and coughing. Very often, a psychogenic component is also partly responsible. Allergic factors due to environmental pollution are increasing.


This is how the Gastein remedies alleviate diseases of the respiratory tract

Radon therapy activates the repair mechanism present in every cell. This not only leads to the self-healing of cells, but also sends out anti-inflammatory messenger substances. This in turn activates immune cells, which in turn produce anti-inflammatory substances. This sets in motion a chain of regeneration that activates the body's self-healing process. This not only curbs inflammation, but also relieves pain. The air in the Heilstollen is particularly suitable for allergy sufferers and thus also for those suffering from bronchitis or asthma - as there are hardly any pollutants in the gallery. The air in the Gastein mountains is also crystal clear and thus less irritating for lung sufferers. The Gastein cure therefore allows you to breathe deeply again and provides patients with valuable relief from illnesses where there are hardly any drug treatments.


Therapy: healing gallery, stay in the mountains (climatic cure), sauna, breath tapping and nerve point massage, breathing exercises, thermal inhalation.

Do you suffer from any of the following medical conditions?

Then radon therapy will help you to improve your quality of life again:

  • Osteoarthritis
  • Degenerative spinal disorders
  • Psoriasis
  • Neurodermatitis
  • Scleroderma
  • Chronic bronchitis
  • Bronchial asthma
  • Sinusitis
  • COPD

Top offers and packages

Healthy Shortbreak

from € 520,00 per Person
  • 4 nights
  • Admission in the Gastein healing gallery + Medicinal bath
  • Massages + Spa entrance