Workshop - altbewährte Heilmittel für die Hausapotheke

Topics: Autumn | Bauernherbst | Regionale Produkte

Bad Hofgastein
Sat, 20.09.2025
09:00 o'clock

Workshop - altbewährte Heilmittel für die Hausapotheke

Topics: Autumn | Bauernherbst | Regionale Produkte

Information about the Event:

Duration from 9:00 am - 12:00 am

Price per person € 48,00

Meeting point: Mühlhof
registration requested


Wheter in the forest, on the meadow or in the garden, in autumn you can still find many valuable plants, roots or fruits which we can use for our health or in the kitchen.


Vorderschneeberg 13 a
5630 Bad Hofgastein, AT