Kräuterchecker Waldentdecker ab 8 Jahren

Minimum number of participants: 2


Together with herbal medicine practitioner and forest health trainer Theresa Sommerbichler, you will discover natural treasures from meadows and forests on this hike. Along the way, you will learn how to use wild herbs for your hiking and natural pharmacy and make your own anti-mosquito bite tincture or after-sun lotion. With every step you take, you will open your senses to the natural wonders that surround you!
Prerequisites: Rain, sun and tick protection required, as well as sturdy shoes and a rucksack. Please also bring something to drink and a small snack if required.

Accompaniment by adults is not required.

Advance booking required until Tuesday 4 pm in Kur- Tourismusinformation Bad Hofgastein T. +43 6432 3393 260,


Kur- und Tourismusverband Bad Hofgastein
Tauernplatz 1
5630 Bad Hofgastein

The office is located in the center of Bad Hofgastein.

Bad Hofgastein is a place of relaxation and regeneration, nestled gently amid the Gastein mountain world. Here, you have the opportunity to take a deep, cleansing breath and enjoy the wide selection of opportunities for therapy, sports and recreation.