Enjoyable hike with alpenhorn players to Bockhartsee

Topics: Léto | Túry | Kultura | geführte Wanderungen

National park house Sportgastein,
Bad Gastein
Sat, 16.08.2025
09:30 o'clock

Enjoyable hike with alpenhorn players to Bockhartsee

Topics: Léto | Túry | Kultura | geführte Wanderungen

Information about the Event:

Enjoyable Hike along the Salzburger Almenweg with the sound of Alpine horns to the Bockhartsee .

Hiking time: 1 - 2,5 hours, 200 Hm in ascent, 200 Hm in descent.

Start behind the Valeriehaus in Sportgastein/Nassfeld and follow the path past the Miners House along the marked trail to Bockhartsee. Your stay at the Bockhartsee cabin will be accompanied by the sound of Alpine horns.
Afterwards a hike around the lake and at the end the sound of the Alpine horns again.

Meeting point: 9.30 am at the National Park hut in Sportgastein

Participants: min. 4 persons

Hiking guide: Hans Naglmayr

Price with Gastein Card: free of charge
Price without Gastein Card: € 5,00

Registration: until Friday 4 pm

Tourist office Bad Gastein
+43 6432 3393 560


Kur- und Tourismusverband Bad Gastein
Kaiser-Franz-Josef-Straße 27
5640 Bad Gastein,

Additional event days

Sat, 16.08.2025
Sat, 20.09.2025