
Topics: Gastein TV | Rodzina | Kultura | Imprezy

Almgasthof Windischgrätz,
Bad Gastein
śro, 30.04.2025
15:00 o'clock


Topics: Gastein TV | Rodzina | Kultura | Imprezy

Information about the Event:

The Trachtenverein D'Hüttenkogla invites you to the traditional "May Dance" with setting up of the May tree and musical programme at the Almgasthof Windischgrätz.


Maypole Festival Programme:


Setting up the maypole from 4 pm.


Supporting program afterwards:


- Concert by the Bürgermusik Bad Gastein

- Dance music with "Die Temposchwanker"

- Performance by the children's group of the traditional costume association D'Hüttenkogla

- Closing with DJ Max


Free admission!


Alpen Lodge Windischgrätzhöhe
Schachenweg 2
5640 Bad Gastein, AT