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Haus Mitterlechner

Mühlbach 10, 5632 Dorfgastein

Holidays in Gastein – great holidays no matter what the season: We welcome you to our Mitterlechner guesthouse!

Accommodation location
The 4 Edelweiß-rated apartment lies in Dorfgastein near the Dorfgastein Großarltal ski lift (about 250m) and invites you to spend your winter vacation with family or summer holidays with partner. We are only a few minutes away from the centre of the village of Dorfgastein, where you find many shopping possibilities as well as idyllic inns and restaurants. Despite the proximity to the centre, our house is very quietly situated.
Should you wish to relax and unwind, we recommend Gastein’s nearby Alpentherme thermal spa that you can reach by car within a few minutes only, as well as the Bad Gastein Felsentherme and Gastein’s radon gallery.

Our three generous apartments with up to three bedrooms are sized between 45m² and 85m² and offer space for up to six people. Cosy and bright seating invites you to get together, chat and play during your family holidays.
Pamper your loved ones with a regional lunch in our fully equipped kitchen and enjoy the sun with a glass wine on your balcony that comes with a beautiful flower arrangement. Our well-groomed garden awaits you with a small playground including trampoline, swing and playing meadow and is at the disposal of your children. The extensive fields and lush meadows as well invite your kids to unwind, climb and take beautiful walks.

Winter in Gastein
Piste pleasures are of course on offer during winter months across the Ski Amadé skiing network. Broad pistes and state-of-the-art lift systems distinguish the family-friendly connected skiing area of Dorfgastein-Großarltal. End an exciting and varied winter day with a visit of the Alpentherme or the Felsentherme thermal spa and enjoy a loosening massage. The healing effects of radon therapy can be experienced when visiting Gastein’s radon gallery.

Summer in Gastein
Explore the pools of the Solarbad Gastein that you can access for free on warm summer days together with your family. Pure mountain pleasures can be experienced during your stay in Dorfgastein. Numerous hiking trails take you through the beautiful Salzburger Land and promise breath-taking views and an unforgettable mountain setting.
Extensive mountain playgrounds with via ferrata trails and cross-country monster scooter rides guarantee great fun, not only for children.

The entire team of the Mitterlechner guesthouse looks forward to your visit!

Additional information

Inkl. Strom, Wasser, Heizung, Internet und Bahnhofstransfair. Exkl. Endreinigung und Ortstaxe. Im Sommer gratis Kinderbetreuung im Gasti-Club!

Unsere Sommergäste haben kostenlosen Zugang zum Solarbad Gastein!

Check out until 09.30 o´clock
Check in starting from 15.00 o´clock


Holidays in Gastein – great holidays no matter what the season: We welcome you to our Mitterlechner guesthouse!

Accommodation location
The 4 Edelweiß-rated apartment lies in Dorfgastein near the Dorfgastein Großarltal ski lift (about 250m) and invites you to spend your winter vacation with family or summer holidays with partner. We are only a few minutes away from the centre of the village of Dorfgastein, where you find many shopping possibilities as well as idyllic inns and restaurants. Despite the proximity to the centre, our house is very quietly situated.
Should you wish to relax and unwind, we recommend Gastein’s nearby Alpentherme thermal spa that you can reach by car within a few minutes only, as well as the Bad Gastein Felsentherme and Gastein’s radon gallery.

Our three generous apartments with up to three bedrooms are sized between 45m² and 85m² and offer space for up to six people. Cosy and bright seating invites you to get together, chat and play during your family holidays.
Pamper your loved ones with a regional lunch in our fully equipped kitchen and enjoy the sun with a glass wine on your balcony that comes with a beautiful flower arrangement. Our well-groomed garden awaits you with a small playground including trampoline, swing and playing meadow and is at the disposal of your children. The extensive fields and lush meadows as well invite your kids to unwind, climb and take beautiful walks.

Winter in Gastein
Piste pleasures are of course on offer during winter months across the Ski Amadé skiing network. Broad pistes and state-of-the-art lift systems distinguish the family-friendly connected skiing area of Dorfgastein-Großarltal. End an exciting and varied winter day with a visit of the Alpentherme or the Felsentherme thermal spa and enjoy a loosening massage. The healing effects of radon therapy can be experienced when visiting Gastein’s radon gallery.

Summer in Gastein
Explore the pools of the Solarbad Gastein that you can access for free on warm summer days together with your family. Pure mountain pleasures can be experienced during your stay in Dorfgastein. Numerous hiking trails take you through the beautiful Salzburger Land and promise breath-taking views and an unforgettable mountain setting.
Extensive mountain playgrounds with via ferrata trails and cross-country monster scooter rides guarantee great fun, not only for children.

The entire team of the Mitterlechner guesthouse looks forward to your visit!

Zusätzliche Informationen

Inkl. Strom, Wasser, Heizung, Internet und Bahnhofstransfair. Exkl. Endreinigung und Ortstaxe. Im Sommer gratis Kinderbetreuung im Gasti-Club!

Unsere Sommergäste haben kostenlosen Zugang zum Solarbad Gastein!

Check out until 09.30 o´clock
Check in starting from 15.00 o´clock

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7 nights

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  • parking dla samochodów osobowych
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Sport / czas wolny (10)

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Higiena i dezynfekcja (9)

  • Po wyjeździe gości pokoje są sprzątane bardzo dokładnie, w szczególności często dotykane przedmioty
  • Pościel, ręczniki i inne pranie podlega czyszczeniu według zasad miejscowych władz
  • Sprzątanie pokoju zawiera wietrzenie, zmianę ścierek do sprzątania i dezynfekcję rękawiczek po każdym pokoju
  • Dezynfekcja często dotykanych przedmiotów i powierzchni
  • Stosowanie płynów czyszczących, skutecznie działających na koronawirusa
  • Pranie podlega czyszczeniu w najwyższej dopuszczalnej przez producenta temperaturze
  • Miejsce zakwaterowania jest dezynfekowane po każdym pobycie gościa
  • Regularne wietrzenie ogólnie dostępnych obszarów
  • Dezynfekcja wypożyczanych sprzętów

Dzieci (14)

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Współpracownik (3)

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  • Pracownicy noszą maseczki

środki bezpieczeństwa (2)

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  • Personel realizuje wszystkie zasady bezpieczeństwa miejscowych organów władzy

Położenie (6)

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Języki obce (2)

  • niemiecki
  • angielski

Konferencje (1)

  • WiFi

Zasady zachowania odstępu (1)

  • Zasady zachowania odstępu są przestrzegane

koszty eksploatacyjne (1)

  • użytkowanie pralki/suszarki
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Haus Mitterlechner

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