
Topics: Zomer | Familie | Kinderen | geführte Wanderungen | Outdoor

Treffpunkt: Wanderstartplatz Unterberg,
ma, 22.07.2024
13:00 o'clock

Additional event days

  • ma, 29.07.2024 - 13:00 o'clock ICS-Download
  • ma, 05.08.2024 - 13:00 o'clock ICS-Download
  • ma, 12.08.2024 - 13:00 o'clock ICS-Download
  • ma, 19.08.2024 - 13:00 o'clock ICS-Download
  • ma, 26.08.2024 - 13:00 o'clock ICS-Download
  • ma, 02.09.2024 - 13:00 o'clock ICS-Download


Topics: Zomer | Familie | Kinderen | geführte Wanderungen | Outdoor

Information about the Event:

During the survival adventure in Dorfgastein, the children learn how to survive in nature.

From Unterberg, the group hikes along the exciting "Bear Trail" to the Amoseralm, where a fireplace is built.  Our expert in survival techniques shows the children how to light a fire with minimal tools. For refreshment, there will be grilled sausages on sticks at the self-built fire pit.

Duration: 4 h
Minimumage: 6 years, Children need an accompanying person
Participation: only with Gastein Card.
Price with Gastein Card: free of charge

Registration: by Monday, 10 am,
Information and registration: Tourist office Dorfgastein, T. +43 6432 3393 460

Wanderstartplatz Unterberg
5632 Dorfgastein, AT