Jubiläumswanderung - 20 Jahre Sepp Poesie Waldweg

Topics: Zomer

Treffpunkt: Brandebengut,
Bad Hofgastein
za, 24.08.2024
09:00 o'clock

Jubiläumswanderung - 20 Jahre Sepp Poesie Waldweg

Topics: Zomer

Information about the Event:

Invitation to the anniversary hike with Sepp Gruber (creator and author of the "Sepp Poesie-Waldweg") Pichler Christian (Gastein hiker), Fritz Zettinig (Mayor AD)

Meeting point 9.00 a.m. Brandebengut Breitenberg 15, A-5630 Bad Hofgastein (car park)
Sturdy footwear is recommended, walking time approx. 2 - 3 hours
Experience and feel the homeland of the "Bergbauernbuam" (composer and author) Sepp Gruber on this unique hike
Food and drink with musical accompaniment at the Biberalm is well catered for Return journey by taxi if required!
Please register by telephone: 0664 5932 045 Biberalm

Where God lives in rock and stone,
breathes through the trees and plants and lives in the animals,
rises through the voice of man,
pours forth as the fountain of salvation and flows through the fountain of the forest,
that is the place where I am at home,
I am a happy human being there I may be
Sepp Gruber 2014

Breitenberg 15
5630 Bad Hofgastein, AT