Berge in Flammen - „Vokale Randale"

Topics: Zomer | Evenement | Concert

Alpenarena, Regenwetter im Kursaal,
Bad Hofgastein
vr, 20.06.2025
20:00 o'clock

Berge in Flammen - „Vokale Randale"

Topics: Zomer | Evenement | Concert

Information about the Event:

Vokale Randale is an a cappella ensemble with nine dedicated singers.

Known for their strong voices and humorous performances, they delight their audience with a wide range of music from classical to traditional songs and pop. In addition to their musical quality, they also bring a lot of humor and great stage presence. Not only with their music, but also with their charm and humor they delight the audience.




Kur- und Tourismusverband Bad Hofgastein
Tauernplatz 1
5630 Bad Hofgastein, AT